KLAS: Xsolis Enhances Utilization Review and Case Management with AI

KLAS Research is a premier analyst organization serving the healthcare industry. The KLAS research team publishes 55+ insight-driven reports per year, covering the most pressing questions facing healthcare technology today. The executive summaries of these reports are available to healthcare providers and payers at no cost in exchange for a willingness to share their experiences with KLAS.

KLAS speaks with decision-makers, managers, and end-users of the healthcare software and products you care about to provide insight on which vendors are true partners and which are only building tools to be sold, not used. KLAS also completes ongoing research across health technology vendors, which helps the industry understand how solutions might fit their needs.

Xsolis worked with KLAS Research to develop a Spotlight Report evaluating the CORTEX solution, now known as Dragonfly Utilize, and its effectiveness in helping hospital and health system clients achieve their goals. The feedback received from KLAS was aggregated and anonymous, but the assessment of our strengths and weaknesses provided insight to both Xsolis and the healthcare industry. “These insights will guide our efforts to help our payer and provider clients be successful,” said Paul Cummings, Chief Product Officer at Xsolis.

The report’s Bottom Line?

“Overall, Xsolis clients report a high level of satisfaction. Many are pleased with the outcomes they are seeing and with their interactions with company representatives.” The report offers additional points to consider including long-term viability in healthcare, impacts and tradeoffs of the underlying technology, Utilization Management system implementation design considerations and enterprise analytics integration of UM data.




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