Powerful, people-focused analytics

A 360° view of utilization management and reimbursement processes for payers and providers

Redefine your standard of healthcare by transforming your concurrent authorization case review processes and freeing the skilled minds who provide care and administer member benefits. Dragonfly’s purpose-built solutions enable your team to eliminate healthcare silos while accelerating the ability to make data-driven decisions and collaborate across a connected network of providers and payers.

Faster reviews

Healthcare Provider Clicks on Tablet

Dragonfly’s highly precise predictive analytics work to expedite case review processes with payers and providers, allowing them both to access and collaborate on the same clinical data through a single, shared, AI-driven platform that streamlines concurrent authorization workflows.

Real-time data

Man in Suit holding tablet

Allow your team to view data in real-time and eliminate redundancy with clear clinical updates from both payers and providers. AI-powered data generates every necessary case review detail, without the need for your team to dig through endless EMR data or faxes to find the information they need.

Transparent processes

Group of Healthcare Providers reviewing tablet

Provide your team with a consistent, EMR-agnostic interface that enables payer and provider teams to not only view the same clinical data live, but also to achieve optimal outcomes.

Frictionless communication

Older male doctor and female administrator

Allowing your team to seamlessly communicate directly with providers, the Dragonfly platform removes the need for faxed documentation or phone calls. In our platform, bi-directional clinical information updates are pushed to both payers and providers.

Automated case reviews

Doctor reviewing tablet and laptop

Reduce case touches, speed case level determinations, and reduce the administrative work and peer-to-peer burden with our Dragonfly platform. Objective analytics align payers and providers with historical, data-backed thresholds by using Precision Utilization Management (PUM) to automate inpatient and observation status determinations

Faster reviews Real-time data Transparent processes Frictionless communication Automated case reviews

Healthcare Provider Clicks on Tablet

Dragonfly’s highly precise predictive analytics work to expedite case review processes with payers and providers, allowing them both to access and collaborate on the same clinical data through a single, shared, AI-driven platform that streamlines concurrent authorization workflows.

Man in Suit holding tablet

Allow your team to view data in real-time and eliminate redundancy with clear clinical updates from both payers and providers. AI-powered data generates every necessary case review detail, without the need for your team to dig through endless EMR data or faxes to find the information they need.

Group of Healthcare Providers reviewing tablet

Provide your team with a consistent, EMR-agnostic interface that enables payer and provider teams to not only view the same clinical data live, but also to achieve optimal outcomes.

Older male doctor and female administrator

Allowing your team to seamlessly communicate directly with providers, the Dragonfly platform removes the need for faxed documentation or phone calls. In our platform, bi-directional clinical information updates are pushed to both payers and providers.

Doctor reviewing tablet and laptop

Reduce case touches, speed case level determinations, and reduce the administrative work and peer-to-peer burden with our Dragonfly platform. Objective analytics align payers and providers with historical, data-backed thresholds by using Precision Utilization Management (PUM) to automate inpatient and observation status determinations

Healthcare operations Director Presenting

Better Payer-Provider Alignment

Clinical data sharing with healthcare providers and leveraging AI for predictive analytics and improves concurrent authorization case review efficiency and drives automation for health plans.

Learn More

Chilmark and Xsolis White Paper Cover image

Next-generation utilization management through AI

Chilmark Senior Analyst Dr. Jody Ranck explores traditional processes used in Utilization Management and their challenges, and how applying AI and ML can build bridges between payers and providers.


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